NetLogo API
version 2.1.0

NetLogo 2.1.0 API Specification

These API's allow users to extend or control NetLogo by writing Java code; for more information, see the "Extensions" and "Controlling" sections of the NetLogo User Manual.


Extensions API
org.nlogo.api Provides classes associated with the NetLogo Extensions API.


Controlling API Provides classes associated with running the full NetLogo application; includes the App class
org.nlogo.compiler Provides classes associated with the NetLogo compiler
org.nlogo.workspace Provides classes associated with running NetLogo "headless", that is, from the command line, with no GUI; includes the HeadlessWorkspace class


Other Packages
org.nlogo.agent Provides some miscellaneous classes used by both the Extensions and Controlling API's
org.nlogo.nvm Provides some miscellaneous classes used by both the Extensions and Controlling API's


These API's allow users to extend or control NetLogo by writing Java code; for more information, see the "Extensions" and "Controlling" sections of the NetLogo User Manual.

NetLogo API
version 2.1.0